Every Thought Captive to Messiah


The Way of Peace They Do Not Know

Isaiah 59

"Their webs will not serve as clothing. Men will not cover themselves with what they make. Their works are works of iniquity, and deeds of violence are in their hands. Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity. Desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths. They have made their roads crooked. No one who treads on them knows peace." - Isaiah 59:6-8

In this chapter, Isaiah describes the pervasiveness of Israel's sin and its consequences. Among other things, the people are guilty of shedding innocent blood. The result is that there is no peace, no justice, no righteousness, and no truth in society. Thankfully, in v. 16, God shows up to provide salvation and righteousness. Sin and its consequences are not the end of the story.

Tomorrow I will be speaking about the issue of abortion. From God's point of view, abortion is the shedding of innocent human blood. It is difficult for us to say that and hear it. Many women in New Zealand have had an abortion. To kill another human being, especially one's own baby, is a terrible thing. The feelings of guilt and regret are often very real. Abortion has been normalised in our society, but this doesn't make it morally good or neutral. Abortion should be unthinkable. There are always other options available to mothers and fathers when they face an unwanted pregnancy. Let's look to those options instead of shedding innocent blood. Let's do the right thing, even though it may be hard. If we do so, we will experience greater peace, justice, righteousness, and truth in our individual lives and society.

Father, forgive us for justifying to ourselves the shedding of innocent blood. Help us to agree with you on the issue of abortion. Thank you for the dignity and value of every human life. Help the next generation to turn to a pro-life position and experience the societal blessing that will result. And for women who have had an abortion, may they experience deep healing and forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ. In his name, amen.


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