Every Thought Captive to Messiah


May Yahweh Judge between Me and You

Psalm 22, 1 Samuel 24

H - "May Yahweh judge between me and you, may Yahweh avenge me against you, but my hand shall not be against you." - 1 Samuel 24:12

E - Saul is out to kill David. David has just had the opportunity to kill Saul, but he refrained. He decides to let God work out the conflict between Saul and himself. As long as Saul lives, David will treat Saul with respect as Yahweh's anointed king.

A - Father, when I am criticised or questioned, how do I react? In a leadership struggle, when there are complaints, my initial reaction is to defend myself and fight back. But Lord, I feel I need to obey you and keep doing my best. I want to be able to listen to constructive feedback while still doing what you want done. How do I treat myself and others with total grace, even when we disagree?

R - "Remember that I am the final judge in all matters and conflicts. Ultimately, the opinion that matters is my righteous, just, holy opinion. I will judge each person on his or her heart attitude and motivation. Concentrate on your own heart attitude and motivation. Is it holy? Is it true? Are you doing your best as you understand it? Have you done your due diligence? If you have obeyed me and done your due diligence as an elder and church leader, then take any criticism and constructive feedback in stride. Don't take it personally. Keep improving and seeking what is good and right. I will give you a sure reward."

P - Thank you for that encouraging word, Father. You are right. It is important to listen to people and to one's own heart and instinct. But it is most important to listen to you. I am so glad you are the final judge of all things. Help me to be like David and not take matters into my own hands. Help me to allow you to act in situations I am involved in. Help me to rest and be at peace within myself, knowing you will take care of things.

- Jeff Coleman


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