Every Thought Captive to Messiah


Let Us Fall into the Hand of Yahweh

2 Samuel 24, Psalm 24

H - "Then David said to Gad, 'I am in great distress. Let us fall into the hand of Yahweh, for his mercy is great. But let me not fall into the hand of man.'" - 2 Samuel 24:14

E -  David has foolishly ordered a census of Israel and Judah. Yahweh sends Gad to him to offer three options as to which type of discipline Israel will undergo. David refuses to make a decision. He  lets God decide, because he trusts God's mercy.

A - Father, I want to be more in tune with you. I want to care very much about what you think and very little about what people think. I want to be with people who really care about you and your interests, who hunger and thirst for you. I want to be with disciples and disciple makers. When I fail, I want to fall into your hand, for you are merciful. Thank you for the cross that covers my sin. Thank you for your mercy to the race of Adam. Thank you you decide how to discipline and correct us as believers. Your justice is perfect. In Christ you treat us so much better than what we deserve. Like David, I choose to fall into your hand for any discipline I deserve. May you be the one who dispenses justice to me in my life, not man.

R - Father, I will be only concerned with what you think. And I will strive to be with disciples. Help me not to be too concerned with what unbelievers and shallow believers think.

- Jeff Coleman


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