Every Thought Captive to Messiah


Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill?

Psalm 15

"Yahweh, who shall sojourn (גור) in your tent (אֹ֫הֶל)? Who shall dwell (שׁכן) on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly (תָּמִים), does what is right, and speaks truth in his heart...." - Psalm 15:1-2

In this psalm of David, the big question is: what are the requirements for us to be able to live closely to God (v. 1)? The answer is personal integrity, especially in the way we treat one another (vv. 2-5). The benefit of personal integrity is being able to dwell closely to God permanently (v. 5).

Permanent closeness to God is our greatest possible position. But integrity is required. I asked my wife yesterday if there was any area of my life in which she thought I lacked integrity. A very dangerous question, but a necessary one. It was a tough conversation, I won't lie. It showed me some things I need to immediately correct and improve upon.

How's your integrity at the moment? I suggest having a close, spiritually mature friend ask you these questions: (1) What’s going on in your inner world? (2) Have you looked at porn in the past week? (3) How’s your marriage? (4) How’s your God-family-work-church balance?

Father, give us a desire to live permanently close to you and a hunger for integrity. Do not let up on us. Help us to be holy. May we allow ourselves to held accountable to each other. For those who are feeling depressed during the Christmas holidays, lift them up. In Jesus' name, amen.

- Jeff Coleman


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